The Student Keyboard Player
Book One introduces just four chords. By the end of the book the student can discern the chord to be played by sight. Book Two introduces a ‘Match the Chord’ system. This gives a written example at the top of each page of all chords used in that particular piece of music. This system is included throughout the rest of the course. Each book in this course is spiral bound for ease of opening, using a different coloured cover for each book. Please scroll down for a more in depth overview of the course or click on the invividual books. |
Buying The Student Keyboard Player
![]() The Student Keyboard Player Book 1Book One introduces just four chords. By the end of the book the student can discern the chord to be played by sight. Features 22 arrangements and compositions. For full contents scroll to the bottom of this page. |
![]() The Student Keyboard Player Book 2Book Two introduces 'Match the Chord' system with the chord example and symbol placed at the top of each page. Features 22 arrangements and compositions. For full contents scroll to the bottom of this page. |
![]() The Student Keyboard Player Book 3Seven more chords are introduced giving a total of Nineteen popular Chords and again useful theory hints when you need them. Features 20 arrangements and compositions. For full contents scroll to the bottom of this page. |
![]() The Student Keyboard Player Book 4A further twelve chords are introduced, giving you a total of 31 in this series. Features 19 arrangements and compositions. For full contents scroll to the bottom of this page. |
![]() The Student Keyboard Player Book 5The final book in the series - by now you should be able to pick up virtually any piece of music and play - wether chord symbols are included or the chords are written in the bass cleff. Features 18 arrangements and compositions. For full contents scroll to the bottom of this page. |
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The Student Keyboard Player - overview
The music in this course is ideally suited for a sixty-one note
keyboard with a ‘split’ facility. The aim, is not only to teach the
chord names, but also to show how to read the Bass Stave. Thereby
enabling the student eventually to pick up any kind of music, i.e.
piano/sheet music and be able to ‘read’ and play as written.
A comprehensive course, easy to understand, giving a good basic
knowledge of the fundamentals of music, that includes all relevant
This course has been carefully written with both student and teacher in mind.
Each new step is explained as it occurs, not explaining too much at any one time. Hints for ease of playing and suggested registrations have been added to many pieces of music. Special emphasis is placed on reading of the Bass cleff, thus enabling the student eventually to pick up any kind of music, i.e. piano/sheet music and be able to ‘read’ and play as written.
Careful attention has been given to the fingering to enable ease of playing.
The course includes Traditional, Light Classical and original compositions. The music will never date. Many of the pieces are familiar to young and old alike.
Scales are included at the introduction of each new Key Signature. Along with a special piece of music written for the new key.
Various styles of playing are introduced through the course, Waltz, Latin, Country, Blues etc. Keyboard registrations are included in each book.
It can be used either by those who are attending individual / group tuition classes, or by those who prefer to teach themselves to play.
Each book in this course is spiral bound for ease of opening, using a different coloured cover for each book.
Book One introduces just four chords. By the end of the book the student can discern the chord to be played by sight. Book Two introduces a ‘Match the Chord’ system. This gives a written example at the top of each page of all chords used in that particular piece of music. This system is included throughout the rest of the course.